Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"......For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." -Philippians 4:11. What about you? Do you find yourself desiring more and more things? Or for your life to completely change to make it "easier?" There are many things we cannot change. Sometimes we are just destined to deal with certain things. There's no point in dwelling on how you wish to change it if it's not going to happen. Learn to be content, no matter what happens. Rest in the Lord and what he provides. Sometimes circumstances will turn around, other times they won't. But when we learn to embrace it is when we can grow with God.
"......For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." -Philippians 4:11. What about you? Do you find yourself desiring more and more things? Or for your life to completely change to make it "easier?" There are many things we cannot change. Sometimes we are just destined to deal with certain things. There's no point in dwelling on how you wish to change it if it's not going to happen. Learn to be content, no matter what happens. Rest in the Lord and what he provides. Sometimes circumstances will turn around, other times they won't. But when we learn to embrace it is when we can grow with God.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Whenever you do something for someone overlooked or ignored, that is me, you're doing it to me." -Matthew 25. (the message). When we do good things for others we are not necessarily doing it only for them. Jesus tells us that the way we treat people is the way we treat Him. Why? Because as Christians, we are to spread God's love. He created and loves everyone, so we are to treat His creation with respect. That being said, this also works the other way around. When we treat others poorly, we are doing the same to God. We can't all be perfect of course, but let's get in the habit of treating people with love and respect.

Monday, February 7, 2011

"Where can I go from your Sprit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there." - Psalm 139:7-8. Lately something has been bothering me continuously. You may have heard me talk about this before. But it is a trend that needs to cease. A common phrase I'm sure that all of you have heard is, "God showed up at ____!" or "God was so there!" or "Let's ask God to come here!" God is everywhere, and always with us. People who say these phrases wouldn't deny that. We are able to feel God when we open our hearts to Him. But people don't want to admit this because it takes humility to admit that we don't always have our hearts open to God. Let's stop the pridefulness and be truthful.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Most of us have had times when friends turn their backs on us. Sometimes they act like they don't know us. Sometimes they act as if we are ridiculous when around others. Sometimes they just leave us. They act in this way to gain acceptance from others. Maybe some of us do or have done these things to others. You can imagine how much it hurts. Unfortunately, many of us do this daily with God. Some praise Him in private or at church, but ignore Him when around certain crowds. Imagine how it feels. Take your eyes off of status and popularity of this world and point them towards God. People and their opinions will fade away, but God is there forever.
Most of us have had times when friends turn their backs on us. Sometimes they act like they don't know us. Sometimes they act as if we are ridiculous when around others. Sometimes they just leave us. They act in this way to gain acceptance from others. Maybe some of us do or have done these things to others. You can imagine how much it hurts. Unfortunately, many of us do this daily with God. Some praise Him in private or at church, but ignore Him when around certain crowds. Imagine how it feels. Take your eyes off of status and popularity of this world and point them towards God. People and their opinions will fade away, but God is there forever.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5. Many people have heard the last part of this verse, but have you ever read the beginning? Be content with what you have. Don't focus on money. God takes care of us. There's no point in obsessing over getting more and more money/possessions. If we were meant to worry about temporary, earthly things, He wouldn't tell us "Never will I leave/forsake you."