This is about having a real relationship with God. Forget rules and regulations. It's about LOVE.
Friday, December 31, 2010
"Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His presence." Psalm 42:5. Let's all be happy again today. We shouldn't let ourselves be in despair. Why? Because God loves us, and we are His. That should be joy enough within itself.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
"You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things." -Romans 2:1. Judging is a sin. God sees all sin as the same. When we judge and condemn others for their sin, we are committing a sin of the same magnitude. Judgement stems from pride. When we think we have it all together and right, we start thinking we can dictate others. But what many fail to realize is that God is the ONLY one with that kind of authority. We should embrace others and show them love when they stumble. That is what we're called to do. We're not called to be Bible police.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
"Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on! Hold fast! Hold out! Patience is genius." -Georges L.L. de Buffon. This quote speaks for itself. Just because we don't recieve what we want immediately, it doesn't mean God has said no. He will give you an answer in time. Sometimes it happens right then, others it takes a while. But God's timing is perfect, and eventually you will see why He timed it the way He did. Something that my mom told me once when i was upset about something is that you shouldn't look at bad situations as God's sign to give up. Look at it as an opportunity to be patient and not give up.
"Even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me." -Psalm 23:4. No matter what scary situation we're in, God is with us every step of the way. I know I talk about this a lot, but we all should constantly remind ourselves that we're not alone. He's our constant support. In any and every situation. If you're going through something, repeat this verse to yourself until it becomes you. Know that He cares for you more than anyone. You will get through it with Him.
It may be cliche to say, "Jesus is the reason for the season." But as we celebrate Christmas, try to look past the crazy, fast paced shopping and stress and decorations and food. Let's remember why we give gifts- because Jesus gave. But let's take "Jesus is the reason for the season" one step further. Let's make Jesus the reason for EVERY season. Merry Christmas everybody.
" not be discouraged, for I am your God....." Isaiah 41:10. I didn't put the whole verse because there was one point i wanted to emphasize. Do not be discouraged. We can allow ourselves to be completely down about life at the drop of a hat. But when we get discouraged, that doesn't make things better. Sometimes it seems like there's no light at the end of the tunnel, but the Bible urges us not to get discouraged, because He is our God. He'll bring us through, every time.
"Set a guard over my mouth, LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips." Psalm 141:3. Pastor Chris tweeted this this morning. Let's ask God to help us speak kindly. When we pop off and use vulgarity, it never leads to anything good. Let's be lights to the world and try to keep our speech pure.
"The devil is filled with fury because he knows that his time is short." -Revelation 12:12. Why is the devil causing so much destruction? Because he knows his time is limited. He's trying to wreak as much havoc as possible. But God has SO much more power than him. You never have to worry about the devil and his fury, because God will protect you from him. Even the devil knows that God is more powerful and will defeat him. If the devil himself knows it.....we should too.
"Do not merely listen to the word, and so decieve yourselves. Do what it says." James 1:22. There's more to the Bible than listening. We've got to understand and apply. Going to church is great and all, but we're fooling ourselves if we don't apply the wisdom. Let's make a point to really hear wisdom and apply it to our lives, rather than let it go in one ear and out the other.
"So Jacob worked seven years to pay for Rachel. But his love for her was so strong that it seemed to him but a few days." Genesis 29:20. If you look in the Bible, you will find an incredible amount of verses about love. God created us to be loving creatures, like He is. He made us in His image. Sometimes when we have a feeling of love for someone it amazes us how we have the capacity in our hearts for expanding love. But God made us for love. He gave us the ability, and also gives us the command. This applies not only to your significant other, but to everyone you come into contact with. Show them Christ's love, and they will find that love from within themselves.
"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." Proverbs 11:2. Why do people become prideful? Perhaps it's because they are trying too hard to prove to themselves and others that they are great. Sometimes when others look down on us, we use pride as a defense mechanism. Other times, we can literally get so caught up in ourselves that we don't see how prideful we're getting. But pride will get you nowhere. Humility, however, will give you wisdom. When you stop praising yourself, your focus will be on more important things.
"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that airplanes take off against the wind."- Henry Ford. As Christians, we can face so much adversity. Others put us down and try to argue that we're wrong. But remember that airplanes, these huge, heavy machines, take off against the wind and can fly for hours on end. We too, can face against these obstacles and opposition and fly above it. We can do amazing things once we have faith that God will take us higher.
"Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love." Mother Teresa. Not everyone preaches, sings, or becomes a missionary. Not everyone is like mother teresa, traveling the globe helping people. Not everyone is meant to do big, showy things. But that's not necessarily what's important. Whether you do "big" things or not, you're doing absolutely no good if you don't have love behind it. God looks at the heart so much more than the actions. What matters is our love. Jesus said that they will know we're His disciples by our love. He didn't say they would know they would know by how well known we are throughout the country/world.
"The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from that." Proverbs 29:25. Pastor Chris tweeted this verse this morning. We all have worried about what others think. Whether it's our appearance, our personality, or the things we have. We've even worried about what others think of our faith. But we've got to think one thing in mind: human opinion does not matter. This is much easier said than believed, but we must remember it. When we keep our minds focused on what others think, we're disabled. We can't do much of anything bc we're too worried about unimportant things. But the Bible says that if we have faith in God.... We can be protected from this. We no longer should live in distress because some people don't like us.
"You intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20. This verse was said by Joseph, to his brothers. Joseph's brothers had tormented him and tried to kill him because they were jealous of the attention he got from their father. But despite all this, Joseph wound up becoming a very successful servant of the pharaoh. After their father's death, his brothers felt guilty and apologized, and this verse is what Joseph said to them. When adversities are thrown at us, God can help us use it for good. We can help others who are going thru what we went thru. There's much more to this story, so go read Joseph's story in Genesis and see how HIS troubles can still help YOU.
"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11. As Christians, we need to know what we've gotten into. We need to get deeper into the spirit of God so we can understand what He wants for our lives. It's more than just getting "fired up" at worship with a thousand other people. That's why He gave us the Bible. When we learn scripture, it helps us know what's right and wrong, and it shows us how much He loves us. Keep scripture in your heart. Give yourself a regular reading routine. Find what works for you to make it easier and more understandable. The more we understand, the closer we can get to the Savior. :)
Mark 4:35-41
Mark 4:35-41 has the story of Jesus calming the storm. We've all heard this story several times; how Jesus and the disciples were on a boar when a deadly storm came upon them. Jesus was asleep when the disciples flipped out and woke Him up. Jesus got up, rebuked the storm, then asked them why they had no faith. We've all heard this miraculous story, but why do so many of us spend our time worrying? Worrying has never helped solve any problems. Jesus will help calm the storms in our lives if we just hush it and have faith in Him. Life can be scary sometimes, and you never know what's going to happen, but you do know that God is ALWAYS there for you. No matter what.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Acts 4:12
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under which heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12.
The plain truth is this: The only way we can be saced is through faith in Jesus Christ. We can't be saved through any other person, god, oe by doing good deeds. God is a jealous god. He wants all of you for himself. You are his creation, so why would he want anyone else to claim you? He just wants your love.
The plain truth is this: The only way we can be saced is through faith in Jesus Christ. We can't be saved through any other person, god, oe by doing good deeds. God is a jealous god. He wants all of you for himself. You are his creation, so why would he want anyone else to claim you? He just wants your love.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Proverbs 28:1
"The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion." Proverbs 28:1.
Sometimes it may seem like doing the right thing is wimpy or fearful. Others egg us on to do wrong and claim that if we don't, we're too afraid or etc. In actuality, the Bible says that the righteous are as bold as a lion. It takes more courage and boldness to do the right thing than the wrong thing. Standing up to others and their influences is hard. Risking friendships, popularity, and status is hard. But the rewards are eternal. When you stand up and be bold for God, He is so proud. So be bold and stand a lion.
Sometimes it may seem like doing the right thing is wimpy or fearful. Others egg us on to do wrong and claim that if we don't, we're too afraid or etc. In actuality, the Bible says that the righteous are as bold as a lion. It takes more courage and boldness to do the right thing than the wrong thing. Standing up to others and their influences is hard. Risking friendships, popularity, and status is hard. But the rewards are eternal. When you stand up and be bold for God, He is so proud. So be bold and stand a lion.
Romans 12:16
"Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited." Romans 12:16.
One thing the Bible talks about often is keeping your pride in check. We as humans have no earthly idea how awesome God is, yet so many of us put ourselves on a pedestal above others. We are all equal in God's eyes. SO when we get conceited and prideful, it's completely ridiculous and only hinders what God wants you to do' If you're given a position in ministry, that doesn't mean to only associate with those who are working with you. Remember the lost, the poor, the unsaved. Remember what ministry even is. When we get prideful......souls are on the line.
One thing the Bible talks about often is keeping your pride in check. We as humans have no earthly idea how awesome God is, yet so many of us put ourselves on a pedestal above others. We are all equal in God's eyes. SO when we get conceited and prideful, it's completely ridiculous and only hinders what God wants you to do' If you're given a position in ministry, that doesn't mean to only associate with those who are working with you. Remember the lost, the poor, the unsaved. Remember what ministry even is. When we get prideful......souls are on the line.
Proverbs 28:13
"Whoever conceals their sin does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy." Proverbs 28:13.
Pastor Chris tweeted this November 24th and it stuck out to me. We tend to hide our sin whenever we do it. Unfortunately, many people who call themselves Christians condemn those who have slipped up. So when we sin, we usually like to keep it a secret, so we can keep up this persona of being "perfect." But this is what the Bible says NOT to do. We not only confess our sins to God, but we need to confess them to our trusted Christian friends, so we can get support and help. Also, when we hide our sin, we stop ourselves from helping those who have committed the same sin and need help. Don't keep things in the dark.
Pastor Chris tweeted this November 24th and it stuck out to me. We tend to hide our sin whenever we do it. Unfortunately, many people who call themselves Christians condemn those who have slipped up. So when we sin, we usually like to keep it a secret, so we can keep up this persona of being "perfect." But this is what the Bible says NOT to do. We not only confess our sins to God, but we need to confess them to our trusted Christian friends, so we can get support and help. Also, when we hide our sin, we stop ourselves from helping those who have committed the same sin and need help. Don't keep things in the dark.
Matthew 12:21
"And His name will be the hope of all the world." Matthew 12:21.
Jesus didn't come to condemn or make you feel guilty. He didn't come just to heal a few people and perform a few miracles. He didn't come to give us religious holidays or to make us feel warm and fuzzy for a short time. He came to give us hope. Yes, He came to take the punishment of our sins, but with that sacrifice.....comes hope. Hope that we're able to be free from hell. Hope that we'll go to heaven. Hope that the Father wants to have a relationship with us. Hope that He hears us and loves us. Hope that He counts our sins no more......
Jesus didn't come to condemn or make you feel guilty. He didn't come just to heal a few people and perform a few miracles. He didn't come to give us religious holidays or to make us feel warm and fuzzy for a short time. He came to give us hope. Yes, He came to take the punishment of our sins, but with that sacrifice.....comes hope. Hope that we're able to be free from hell. Hope that we'll go to heaven. Hope that the Father wants to have a relationship with us. Hope that He hears us and loves us. Hope that He counts our sins no more......
Acts 4:13
"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." Acts 4:13.
Jesus' disciples were not the best and the brightest by worldly terms. They weren't rich, weren't that great in school, and they weren't high class. Yet Jesus....Lord of the universe.... chose them to be his closest followers. Why? Because of their faith. Things like money and status really should mean nothing to us as Christians. God can use or poor, educated or drop outs, popular or rejected. God doesn't care about your status on the social ladder or how many figures your salary is. He cares about your heart.
Jesus' disciples were not the best and the brightest by worldly terms. They weren't rich, weren't that great in school, and they weren't high class. Yet Jesus....Lord of the universe.... chose them to be his closest followers. Why? Because of their faith. Things like money and status really should mean nothing to us as Christians. God can use or poor, educated or drop outs, popular or rejected. God doesn't care about your status on the social ladder or how many figures your salary is. He cares about your heart.
What can we do?
"Do what YOU CAN do. Trust GOD to do what you CANNOT do." -Craig Groeschel.
Many go through life thinking that God will provide everything if we just sit back and do nothing. Yes, God provides for us, but that doesn't mean he wants us to be lazy. He wants us to do what we can, then He will take care of the rest.......He will take care of what is humanly impossible. If we were to sit back and God supplied us with every tiny little thing, we would never look at Him as God. We would see a supernatural force that's obligated to cater to us. The Bible praises hard work. Let's not become lazy. Let's trust God and do what He wants for our lives. We can never live to our full potential if we don't work for it.
Many go through life thinking that God will provide everything if we just sit back and do nothing. Yes, God provides for us, but that doesn't mean he wants us to be lazy. He wants us to do what we can, then He will take care of the rest.......He will take care of what is humanly impossible. If we were to sit back and God supplied us with every tiny little thing, we would never look at Him as God. We would see a supernatural force that's obligated to cater to us. The Bible praises hard work. Let's not become lazy. Let's trust God and do what He wants for our lives. We can never live to our full potential if we don't work for it.
Psalm 34:8
"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him." Psalm 34:8
The Lord is good. GOOD! He's not mean, condemning, or scary. He's good. When we get over our preconceived notions of a big meanie in the sky.....we can truly take refuge in Him. He LOVES us intensely. He wants us to take refuge in Him. Taste and see....realize....know....believe....that He is good. He defines good/love. Abide in Him and be blessed.
The Lord is good. GOOD! He's not mean, condemning, or scary. He's good. When we get over our preconceived notions of a big meanie in the sky.....we can truly take refuge in Him. He LOVES us intensely. He wants us to take refuge in Him. Taste and see....realize....know....believe....that He is good. He defines good/love. Abide in Him and be blessed.
Isaiah 29:13-14
" The Lord says:“These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught. Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.”
How do you worship? Do you find yourself forcing it so others around you will think you're into it? Sometimes we need to remember where our hearts are. We can boast Jesus and pretend to worship all we want, but if our hearts are far from's pointless. Worship comes with heart change, not without.
How do you worship? Do you find yourself forcing it so others around you will think you're into it? Sometimes we need to remember where our hearts are. We can boast Jesus and pretend to worship all we want, but if our hearts are far from's pointless. Worship comes with heart change, not without.
Monday, September 13, 2010
A few words from David
25 King David said this about him: ‘I see that the Lord is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
26 No wonder my heart is glad,
and my tongue shouts his praises!
My body rests in hope.
27 For you will not leave my soul among the dead
or allow your Holy One to rot in the grave.
28 You have shown me the way of life,
and you will fill me with the joy of your presence.’
(Acts 2:25-28)
Being a Christian and loving God isn't about feeling guilty. It's about being set free from your guilt and shame. God is full of so much love and joy. David definitely recognized this. He had his fair share of lament, but there's so much in the Bible where He describes his joy in the Lord's presence.
He will never leave you. He won't let your soul just "rot in the grave." Nothing can separate you from Him.
Notice in the last verse David says, "You will fill me with the joy of your presence." God doesn't want us to be miserable! Being with God no matter what your circumstances can bring you ultimate joy.
However, I must say one thing: Happiness and Joy are two different things. They can occur separately or simultaneously, but the two are different. Happiness is a temporary emotion that makes you feel good for a short time. Joy is an overall quality. Even when you have no reason to be happy, you have every reason to have that inner joy inside you. People will notice the difference on how y0u handle life's storms when you have the joy of the Lord.
He is always with you.
You will not be shaken.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
26 No wonder my heart is glad,
and my tongue shouts his praises!
My body rests in hope.
27 For you will not leave my soul among the dead
or allow your Holy One to rot in the grave.
28 You have shown me the way of life,
and you will fill me with the joy of your presence.’
(Acts 2:25-28)
Being a Christian and loving God isn't about feeling guilty. It's about being set free from your guilt and shame. God is full of so much love and joy. David definitely recognized this. He had his fair share of lament, but there's so much in the Bible where He describes his joy in the Lord's presence.
He will never leave you. He won't let your soul just "rot in the grave." Nothing can separate you from Him.
Notice in the last verse David says, "You will fill me with the joy of your presence." God doesn't want us to be miserable! Being with God no matter what your circumstances can bring you ultimate joy.
However, I must say one thing: Happiness and Joy are two different things. They can occur separately or simultaneously, but the two are different. Happiness is a temporary emotion that makes you feel good for a short time. Joy is an overall quality. Even when you have no reason to be happy, you have every reason to have that inner joy inside you. People will notice the difference on how y0u handle life's storms when you have the joy of the Lord.
He is always with you.
You will not be shaken.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
"A man on his face will never fall from that position." -Larry Stockstill
Arrogance is setting yourself up for falling.
It's so easy to fall when you've got your head up in the clouds. Arrogance is to think that you are above and beyond the rest. In a Christian sense, it means that you feel like you are better than your fellow Christians because of your service, avoidance of sin, or your position/favor within the church.
When you put yourself on a pedestal convinced that you are about as good as Jesus, you start to fall. Why? Because you don't realize where your true faith is going. We're called to be humble. Being humble means to realize that you aren't perfect, no matter how much you try. We are only perfect in Christ. If you're so caught up in yourself, you're nowhere near perfect because you're nowhere near Christ!
Realize you aren't the most awesome person ever, even if you break your back doing things for your church. God loves you more than you can comprehend, and He thinks we're all awesome, but never EVER put yourself above others. We're all equal.
Stop boasting.
Be humble.
Love on others.
Arrogance is setting yourself up for falling.
It's so easy to fall when you've got your head up in the clouds. Arrogance is to think that you are above and beyond the rest. In a Christian sense, it means that you feel like you are better than your fellow Christians because of your service, avoidance of sin, or your position/favor within the church.
When you put yourself on a pedestal convinced that you are about as good as Jesus, you start to fall. Why? Because you don't realize where your true faith is going. We're called to be humble. Being humble means to realize that you aren't perfect, no matter how much you try. We are only perfect in Christ. If you're so caught up in yourself, you're nowhere near perfect because you're nowhere near Christ!
Realize you aren't the most awesome person ever, even if you break your back doing things for your church. God loves you more than you can comprehend, and He thinks we're all awesome, but never EVER put yourself above others. We're all equal.
Stop boasting.
Be humble.
Love on others.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
We have all heard the following statement: "I'm not a Christian because they're all hypocrites!"
Do you take offense to this statement? When people say it do you fire back with, "No they are not!!!!!"
The truth is that all Christians are hypocrites. No Christian has ever been sinless after salvation. We all screw up daily. You know it's wrong, yet you do it anyway. That is hypocrisy.
That being said, there are two ways to handle it.
1) Admit that you're wrong. Admit you screwed up. Admit you aren't a know-it-all perfect person. Don't boast about how great you are. And when others screw up, don't judge them. This is a perfect opportunity to love on them! Be HUMBLE.
2) Give excuses to why you sinned. Make it look like it really wasn't your fault because of circumstances. Don't show mercy to those who have strayed. Believe that you are right, all the time.
If you want people to quit calling Christians hypocrites, go with option number one. Jesus was the only perfect person in the history of the world.
Do you take offense to this statement? When people say it do you fire back with, "No they are not!!!!!"
The truth is that all Christians are hypocrites. No Christian has ever been sinless after salvation. We all screw up daily. You know it's wrong, yet you do it anyway. That is hypocrisy.
That being said, there are two ways to handle it.
1) Admit that you're wrong. Admit you screwed up. Admit you aren't a know-it-all perfect person. Don't boast about how great you are. And when others screw up, don't judge them. This is a perfect opportunity to love on them! Be HUMBLE.
2) Give excuses to why you sinned. Make it look like it really wasn't your fault because of circumstances. Don't show mercy to those who have strayed. Believe that you are right, all the time.
If you want people to quit calling Christians hypocrites, go with option number one. Jesus was the only perfect person in the history of the world.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God."
This is actually one of my most favorite verses. It may sound weird to you that this is a favorite of mine, but when I'm really having some major anxiety, God always uses this verse to calm me down.
Everyone has problems, and everyone gets nervous now and then. Everyone has a battle to fight. But did you know that if you've accepted Jesus in your heart that you have absolutely nothing to worry about? Whatever life throws at you, God is always there. Even if you're to the point where you're unsure if you'll have a place to sleep the next night, God is going to take care of you.
So when your thoughts are swirling and you're feeling hopeless, remember this verse. Just chill out, be still. Know that God. He loves you. He will never ever leave you.
In times of stress and anxiety, do what I do and repeat this verse over and over. Concentrate on what it says. You will feel His peace.
This is actually one of my most favorite verses. It may sound weird to you that this is a favorite of mine, but when I'm really having some major anxiety, God always uses this verse to calm me down.
Everyone has problems, and everyone gets nervous now and then. Everyone has a battle to fight. But did you know that if you've accepted Jesus in your heart that you have absolutely nothing to worry about? Whatever life throws at you, God is always there. Even if you're to the point where you're unsure if you'll have a place to sleep the next night, God is going to take care of you.
So when your thoughts are swirling and you're feeling hopeless, remember this verse. Just chill out, be still. Know that God. He loves you. He will never ever leave you.
In times of stress and anxiety, do what I do and repeat this verse over and over. Concentrate on what it says. You will feel His peace.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Perfect Love
"Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love." 1 John 4:18
This verse is very self explanatory, however, there may be a few things you haven't quite noticed. Many actually only quote the first sentence of this verse, which is unfortunate, because the rest of it better explains it.
When you sin, and you realize it is a sin, how do you feel? Guilty? Afraid? ....Forgiven? We should never be afraid of God's punishment after our slip ups. God's perfect love saves you from the eternal punishment. Should you be afraid of the earthly consequences? Maybe. But you should be more concerned about making things right and continuing on what God wants for your life.
The point is, if you have fully experienced God's love and presence, you have no reason to fear anything. If you've accepted Jesus as your savior, then nothing can touch your soul.
This verse isn't talking about earthly relationships. There will always be some sort of fear in those. But in God's true love, there is no fear. It's perfect. There's no reason to have anxiety attacks when you sin. Ask for God's forgiveness and let Him work through you. He's so amazing.
p.s. thank you for the comments a few posts back! I still don't know who left them, but if you'd like to identify yourself then go ahead! :) Comments are strongly accepted! Disagree with me? Have something to add? Leave me a comment!
This verse is very self explanatory, however, there may be a few things you haven't quite noticed. Many actually only quote the first sentence of this verse, which is unfortunate, because the rest of it better explains it.
When you sin, and you realize it is a sin, how do you feel? Guilty? Afraid? ....Forgiven? We should never be afraid of God's punishment after our slip ups. God's perfect love saves you from the eternal punishment. Should you be afraid of the earthly consequences? Maybe. But you should be more concerned about making things right and continuing on what God wants for your life.
The point is, if you have fully experienced God's love and presence, you have no reason to fear anything. If you've accepted Jesus as your savior, then nothing can touch your soul.
This verse isn't talking about earthly relationships. There will always be some sort of fear in those. But in God's true love, there is no fear. It's perfect. There's no reason to have anxiety attacks when you sin. Ask for God's forgiveness and let Him work through you. He's so amazing.
p.s. thank you for the comments a few posts back! I still don't know who left them, but if you'd like to identify yourself then go ahead! :) Comments are strongly accepted! Disagree with me? Have something to add? Leave me a comment!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Are you shining your light?
One of my main prayers lately is that I can be a light for God; that I can radiate his love through me. I want people to look at me and know that I have something different. I want them to want what I have. I want them to feel God's love through me.
What do you radiate? Is it the love of God? Or is it something else? Sometimes we wear our emotions right on our faces, or sometimes we don't, and we can look completely numb to the world. Can people feel your love when you see them? Or do they see a broken person?
To demonstrate how God has impacted you is one of the best ways to minister to the lost. When you're walking down the street, what do you see in the faces of other people? In most places, people avert their eyes, stare at the ground, and have blank expressions in order to guard their innermost thoughts.
Why hide the amazing gift God has given you? Let everyone you come into contact with see your light. People will want what you have: joy and peace.
I know we all have issues going on in our lives. It's so hard to radiate joy when you're in pain. But delight in the Lord constantly, remembering how HE DIED so YOU can LIVE! There's so much more to life than your everyday problems, and He can heal any wound.
Shine the light He's given to you, and let others see it.
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
What do you radiate? Is it the love of God? Or is it something else? Sometimes we wear our emotions right on our faces, or sometimes we don't, and we can look completely numb to the world. Can people feel your love when you see them? Or do they see a broken person?
To demonstrate how God has impacted you is one of the best ways to minister to the lost. When you're walking down the street, what do you see in the faces of other people? In most places, people avert their eyes, stare at the ground, and have blank expressions in order to guard their innermost thoughts.
Why hide the amazing gift God has given you? Let everyone you come into contact with see your light. People will want what you have: joy and peace.
I know we all have issues going on in our lives. It's so hard to radiate joy when you're in pain. But delight in the Lord constantly, remembering how HE DIED so YOU can LIVE! There's so much more to life than your everyday problems, and He can heal any wound.
Shine the light He's given to you, and let others see it.
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
Monday, August 16, 2010
OH my goodnes.....revelation!!
Have you ever had that burning desire of love for someone? When you're not with them do you yearn for them to contact you, for them to love you back? To see them? To hear what they have to say?
Have you ever realized..........that this is how God feels about you?
Really take a moment and think. Most of us have been in love at least once. When you're apart from your lover, or not on good terms, or not can be devastating. All you want is for them to call, take back what they (or you) said, for things to be good.
One thing I've learned from the books "Captivating" and "Wild at Heart" is that we were made in God's image. Yes, everyone has heard that before, but it's more of a personality thing than physical. God put His qualities in each man and woman. Men crave adventure and heroism (what the Bible is crammed with) and women crave relationships-to know that they are wanted.
You can actually find these qualities in both genders, but some are just more prevalent in each.
When you're craving attention and time with the person you love.......realize that that's how God feel about you!! He designed you to be that way!! Only He craves your love and attention so much more than we can imagine. He's so much in love with you.
If you have trouble understanding God's love, look in your own heart. When you desire something so so so badly, stop and realize there's One who desires YOU so much more. When you get to the point of deep desire to just be in the presence of someone you love, remember: God has that same craving feeling, only amplified.
I think sometimes He lets us go through some pain in relationships to try and teach us this. He can teach you so much about love and your own heart. Just open up and listen.
Have you ever realized..........that this is how God feels about you?
Really take a moment and think. Most of us have been in love at least once. When you're apart from your lover, or not on good terms, or not can be devastating. All you want is for them to call, take back what they (or you) said, for things to be good.
One thing I've learned from the books "Captivating" and "Wild at Heart" is that we were made in God's image. Yes, everyone has heard that before, but it's more of a personality thing than physical. God put His qualities in each man and woman. Men crave adventure and heroism (what the Bible is crammed with) and women crave relationships-to know that they are wanted.
You can actually find these qualities in both genders, but some are just more prevalent in each.
When you're craving attention and time with the person you love.......realize that that's how God feel about you!! He designed you to be that way!! Only He craves your love and attention so much more than we can imagine. He's so much in love with you.
If you have trouble understanding God's love, look in your own heart. When you desire something so so so badly, stop and realize there's One who desires YOU so much more. When you get to the point of deep desire to just be in the presence of someone you love, remember: God has that same craving feeling, only amplified.
I think sometimes He lets us go through some pain in relationships to try and teach us this. He can teach you so much about love and your own heart. Just open up and listen.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
You may find yourself asking this question: If all our sins are forgiven, why must we strive to do the right thing?
This is something that is misinterpreted by so many people.
WORKS do not get you into Heaven. FAITH does.
So why continue to avoid sin and do good things for people? Our reason for trying not to sin should be out of love for Jesus. Sinning disappoints Him and always sets us back from where He wants to lead us. The Bible is not some big rule book. It's a love story. He loves us sooooooo much!!!! The least we can do is avoid the kind of lifestyle that doesn't reflect Him at all.
Have you ever realized that when you do the right thing, you always come to find out it was for the better? God blesses us for living right. You're storing up crowns in Heaven when you follow His will.
The truth of the matter is: everyone sins every single day. We're human. But there's a problem when you know what you're doing is wrong, but you continue to do it anyway. There's so many blessings you're missing. There's so many people you could be helping and helping them to know the Lord.
Don't avoid sin because you think by doing that alone you will get a ticket to Heaven. Avoid sin to express your love for Him. Sinning with a stubborn conscience can lead you down a dangerous path and put you further and further away from Christ. If you truly love someone, doesn't that mean you want to be closer to them?
Keep in mind that trying not to sin is not the only way to get close to God. Worship, prayer, Bible study, and etc are also part of growing your relationship.
If you love God, then express it. Don't be ashamed when you're the only one not doing what everyone else is doing.
He has a ridiculous amount of love for you. To show your love back, try to do what HE wants, not what the world wants.
forgiven (thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Jesus),
This is something that is misinterpreted by so many people.
WORKS do not get you into Heaven. FAITH does.
So why continue to avoid sin and do good things for people? Our reason for trying not to sin should be out of love for Jesus. Sinning disappoints Him and always sets us back from where He wants to lead us. The Bible is not some big rule book. It's a love story. He loves us sooooooo much!!!! The least we can do is avoid the kind of lifestyle that doesn't reflect Him at all.
Have you ever realized that when you do the right thing, you always come to find out it was for the better? God blesses us for living right. You're storing up crowns in Heaven when you follow His will.
The truth of the matter is: everyone sins every single day. We're human. But there's a problem when you know what you're doing is wrong, but you continue to do it anyway. There's so many blessings you're missing. There's so many people you could be helping and helping them to know the Lord.
Don't avoid sin because you think by doing that alone you will get a ticket to Heaven. Avoid sin to express your love for Him. Sinning with a stubborn conscience can lead you down a dangerous path and put you further and further away from Christ. If you truly love someone, doesn't that mean you want to be closer to them?
Keep in mind that trying not to sin is not the only way to get close to God. Worship, prayer, Bible study, and etc are also part of growing your relationship.
If you love God, then express it. Don't be ashamed when you're the only one not doing what everyone else is doing.
He has a ridiculous amount of love for you. To show your love back, try to do what HE wants, not what the world wants.
forgiven (thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Jesus),
Friday, August 13, 2010
Remember the poor
"All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do." – Galatians 2:10
When you're driving on the road and see a homeless person with a sign, what do you do? Do you tend to think, "They're just begging for cash so they can support their habit." Unfortunately, in many cases this is true. But there are people out there who don't have some sort of addiction that put them on the streets. Some people are so poor they have to beg on the side of the road.
That being said, there are also con artists that live in normal houses and dress up in "hobo" clothes and beg. This is just a way to easily make a ton of cash.
The smart thing to do is not to just keep on going about your day, but if you have the money, stop and buy them a burger or something. Some people even make kits to hand to people that consist of things like hand sanitizer, tissues, gloves, and other things that might make it easier on people living outside.
Show them love. Christ spent a good part of his time with poor people, showing them love. Let's do the same.
When you're driving on the road and see a homeless person with a sign, what do you do? Do you tend to think, "They're just begging for cash so they can support their habit." Unfortunately, in many cases this is true. But there are people out there who don't have some sort of addiction that put them on the streets. Some people are so poor they have to beg on the side of the road.
That being said, there are also con artists that live in normal houses and dress up in "hobo" clothes and beg. This is just a way to easily make a ton of cash.
The smart thing to do is not to just keep on going about your day, but if you have the money, stop and buy them a burger or something. Some people even make kits to hand to people that consist of things like hand sanitizer, tissues, gloves, and other things that might make it easier on people living outside.
Show them love. Christ spent a good part of his time with poor people, showing them love. Let's do the same.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
You got this!
"God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12
This verse kind of correlates with yesterday's. Are you enduring some tests in your life? Are you going through something difficult? Take heart, because when you patiently endure the pain, you'll receive the crown of life.
Remember that God loves you, and He's not putting obstacles in your way to make you miserable. He doesn't do things like that. He allows for things to happen though, because He knows you're strong enough to face it and get through. He's calling you to rise above, to be an example for Him. Are you up for the challenge? Of course you are, you were created to overcome it. It's a matter of you believing whether you can get through it or not.
And when it feels like to the weight is too much to bear, see the previous post. ;) He's got your back.
This verse kind of correlates with yesterday's. Are you enduring some tests in your life? Are you going through something difficult? Take heart, because when you patiently endure the pain, you'll receive the crown of life.
Remember that God loves you, and He's not putting obstacles in your way to make you miserable. He doesn't do things like that. He allows for things to happen though, because He knows you're strong enough to face it and get through. He's calling you to rise above, to be an example for Him. Are you up for the challenge? Of course you are, you were created to overcome it. It's a matter of you believing whether you can get through it or not.
And when it feels like to the weight is too much to bear, see the previous post. ;) He's got your back.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Weary with worry
"Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." -Matthew 11:28
I don't know about you, but whenever I'm extremely upset or downtrodden, I usually stumble upon this verse. I live a pretty blessed life when it comes to the rest of the world, but no one is without troubles. No one has ever gone through life without scars. People can hurt you. Stress can consume you. Unfortunate "no one's fault" things can occur.
What do you do when bad things happen? Do you run to God immediately? Or do you use Him as a last resort? I've done both. But the road will be so much easier when you rest in the comfort of the Lord. It may seem tough at first, to lend your trust to Him. But when you look back you'll realize how awesome His comfort was. Sometimes I've looked back and thought, "If I didn't have God then, I would have been still wallowing in my own sadness."
Come to Jesus. He'll take that heavy backpack full of stress off your shoulders. He's there to comfort you, to give you rest. He loves you. He wants you to be ok.
I don't know about you, but whenever I'm extremely upset or downtrodden, I usually stumble upon this verse. I live a pretty blessed life when it comes to the rest of the world, but no one is without troubles. No one has ever gone through life without scars. People can hurt you. Stress can consume you. Unfortunate "no one's fault" things can occur.
What do you do when bad things happen? Do you run to God immediately? Or do you use Him as a last resort? I've done both. But the road will be so much easier when you rest in the comfort of the Lord. It may seem tough at first, to lend your trust to Him. But when you look back you'll realize how awesome His comfort was. Sometimes I've looked back and thought, "If I didn't have God then, I would have been still wallowing in my own sadness."
Come to Jesus. He'll take that heavy backpack full of stress off your shoulders. He's there to comfort you, to give you rest. He loves you. He wants you to be ok.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Fighting against the lies
"Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. 15 Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church." Ephesians 4:14-15
As I read this verse last night, the main thing that jumped out at me was where it talks about lies. Personally, the thing I hate the most is when someone lies. I guess you could call dishonesty one of my pet peeves. I even hate half-truths, which are just as bad as an outright lie.
I've been able to discern fact from fiction fairly easily in my life, until I start to trust someone. When that happens it's like a fog comes and clouds my judgment. Is it that way with you? If I ever felt mistrust, I tried to push it out of my mind while thinking, "I have to believe everything this person says, or I can't say I trust them! That makes me an awful person!"
Lately I am learning this is not the case.
I'm not saying to be constantly on your toes with your loved ones, but remember that trust (on a human level) is to be handed out slowly,carefully, and prayerfully. There's no surefire equation or strategy to have people not hurt you. But you can prevent it as much as possible. People who lie easily with no conscience about it are extremely crafty with it, as this verse states.
If you've been hurt by lies, then that should be more motivation to tell the truth. By doing this, you grow more and more in the body of Christ. Don't combat hurtful lies with more untruths. If you do that you won't get anywhere. You will regress in your walk with God. Tell the truth, the pure, real, clean truth, and you'll grow so much with God.
Honestly, sometimes, it's so hard to tell the truth. It's hard to admit things you've done, things others have done, or things that need to be said. Sometimes it will be the hardest thing you ever have to do. But I promise you, you will be blessed for it. The difficulty of the moment will turn into a huge blessing.
If you're hurt by lies, pray that your heart will be healed and more discerning. If you find yourself telling lie after lie, ask God to help you stop and cleanse you with purity.
In truth,
As I read this verse last night, the main thing that jumped out at me was where it talks about lies. Personally, the thing I hate the most is when someone lies. I guess you could call dishonesty one of my pet peeves. I even hate half-truths, which are just as bad as an outright lie.
I've been able to discern fact from fiction fairly easily in my life, until I start to trust someone. When that happens it's like a fog comes and clouds my judgment. Is it that way with you? If I ever felt mistrust, I tried to push it out of my mind while thinking, "I have to believe everything this person says, or I can't say I trust them! That makes me an awful person!"
Lately I am learning this is not the case.
I'm not saying to be constantly on your toes with your loved ones, but remember that trust (on a human level) is to be handed out slowly,carefully, and prayerfully. There's no surefire equation or strategy to have people not hurt you. But you can prevent it as much as possible. People who lie easily with no conscience about it are extremely crafty with it, as this verse states.
If you've been hurt by lies, then that should be more motivation to tell the truth. By doing this, you grow more and more in the body of Christ. Don't combat hurtful lies with more untruths. If you do that you won't get anywhere. You will regress in your walk with God. Tell the truth, the pure, real, clean truth, and you'll grow so much with God.
Honestly, sometimes, it's so hard to tell the truth. It's hard to admit things you've done, things others have done, or things that need to be said. Sometimes it will be the hardest thing you ever have to do. But I promise you, you will be blessed for it. The difficulty of the moment will turn into a huge blessing.
If you're hurt by lies, pray that your heart will be healed and more discerning. If you find yourself telling lie after lie, ask God to help you stop and cleanse you with purity.
In truth,
Friday, August 6, 2010
Judging others? God's job, not ours.
1 Corinthians 4:7 "For what gives you the right to make such a judgment? What do you have that God hasn’t given you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast as though it were not a gift?"
Everyone on Earth is loved exactly the same by God, no matter what. He loves Mother Teresa as much as any serial killer. God created us, therefore has the power and authority to judge us. WE on the other hand, do not. Christians are not called to judge. If you see someone struggling in their sin, don't respond with hate and/or judgment. Respond with love. Help each other.
If other Christians would quit meddling in the affairs of other Christians, think how far we could progress. Think of where the real focus would be. It wouldn't be on petty affairs; our true focus and energy would go towards reaching out to those in need.
This verse also talks about boasting. Remember not to take credit for the things God has done for you. Everything good that happens is from the Lord, even if you worked really hard for that promotion or to earn that A. He made it possible for good things to happen to you. Thank Him and give Him credit in all you do.
Also.....remember: You never know the whole story unless you are that particular person. Never ever EVER assume. A few verses earlier it says,
"So don’t make judgments about anyone ahead of time—before the Lord returns. For he will bring our darkest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. Then God will give to each one whatever praise is due." (verse 5)
You'll never know someone's private motives. Concentrate on Kingdom Business, not gossip, judgment, and drama.
Everyone has judged before, including me. Let's work together to get out of that and move forward. We've got way more important things to do. :)
Everyone on Earth is loved exactly the same by God, no matter what. He loves Mother Teresa as much as any serial killer. God created us, therefore has the power and authority to judge us. WE on the other hand, do not. Christians are not called to judge. If you see someone struggling in their sin, don't respond with hate and/or judgment. Respond with love. Help each other.
If other Christians would quit meddling in the affairs of other Christians, think how far we could progress. Think of where the real focus would be. It wouldn't be on petty affairs; our true focus and energy would go towards reaching out to those in need.
This verse also talks about boasting. Remember not to take credit for the things God has done for you. Everything good that happens is from the Lord, even if you worked really hard for that promotion or to earn that A. He made it possible for good things to happen to you. Thank Him and give Him credit in all you do.
Also.....remember: You never know the whole story unless you are that particular person. Never ever EVER assume. A few verses earlier it says,
"So don’t make judgments about anyone ahead of time—before the Lord returns. For he will bring our darkest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. Then God will give to each one whatever praise is due." (verse 5)
You'll never know someone's private motives. Concentrate on Kingdom Business, not gossip, judgment, and drama.
Everyone has judged before, including me. Let's work together to get out of that and move forward. We've got way more important things to do. :)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Anne Rice
Recently, an author named Anne Rice has been making headlines exclaiming that she has "quit Christianity." This is a woman who's written novels ranging from vampire fiction to historical books on the life of Jesus.
One may assume this could mean that she is quitting her faith altogether. But, several people do this in different religions every day, so why the big fuss?
Rice has actually taken the "relationship, not religion" aspect of looking at her faith. She had a strict Catholic upbringing that she abandoned, then later returned to. But now, she has decided to leave the Catholic church and no longer give herself the label of Christian.
Rice actually has a point here. But I believe she has her terminology a tad mistaken. The definition of a Christian is one who follows Christ. Rice still follows Christ, but doesn't want to associate herself with Christianity?
Let me give a brief explanation of what Christianity is: To know Christ, and to make Him known. As long as you are growing in your faith, then you're on the right track. It is NOT about repetitious prayer, incense, denominations, traditions, or etc. created by people.
I'll be the first to tell you, that yes, many churches today are corrupt and have no vision, despite what was written in their charter. However, there are a few churches that base upon what Christ wanted for the Church, not meaningless traditions. That is one of the reasons I chose my church, Church of the Highlands.
If I could speak to Rice, I would tell her, yes, you are a Christian. You can't follow Christ and claim to not be a Christian. But at the same time, you're on the right track when it comes to your main focus being on a relationship with Him.
Rules and regulations don't get you to Heaven. That's an ancient Hebrew way of looking at things, because that is what they had to do. Jesus came to CHANGE that! He wants to know you for you, not your endless rituals.
One may assume this could mean that she is quitting her faith altogether. But, several people do this in different religions every day, so why the big fuss?
Rice has actually taken the "relationship, not religion" aspect of looking at her faith. She had a strict Catholic upbringing that she abandoned, then later returned to. But now, she has decided to leave the Catholic church and no longer give herself the label of Christian.
Rice actually has a point here. But I believe she has her terminology a tad mistaken. The definition of a Christian is one who follows Christ. Rice still follows Christ, but doesn't want to associate herself with Christianity?
Let me give a brief explanation of what Christianity is: To know Christ, and to make Him known. As long as you are growing in your faith, then you're on the right track. It is NOT about repetitious prayer, incense, denominations, traditions, or etc. created by people.
I'll be the first to tell you, that yes, many churches today are corrupt and have no vision, despite what was written in their charter. However, there are a few churches that base upon what Christ wanted for the Church, not meaningless traditions. That is one of the reasons I chose my church, Church of the Highlands.
If I could speak to Rice, I would tell her, yes, you are a Christian. You can't follow Christ and claim to not be a Christian. But at the same time, you're on the right track when it comes to your main focus being on a relationship with Him.
Rules and regulations don't get you to Heaven. That's an ancient Hebrew way of looking at things, because that is what they had to do. Jesus came to CHANGE that! He wants to know you for you, not your endless rituals.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
YOU are an AWESOME creation of GOD!
God created you.
And you're thinking sarcastically, "Naw....really? Never heard that one before."
Have you ever really thought in depth about it?
GOD-- The Creator of the universe, the all knowing, all powerful, amazing, Breath of Life...... The One who loves you beyond absolute imagination. There's no possible way to accurately describe Him. The Jews wouldn't even attempt to pronounce His name, He is THAT powerful and amazing. If He showed His full self in front of you, you would die, only because His magnificence would be too much for a human to take.
CREATED-- You were made. Prepared. Thought of. Conceived. Carefully planned out. Wanted. You weren't an afterthought or a mistake. You were chosen. God used his awesome power.....on you. He deemed you worthy enough to create you, using His awesome power.
YOU-- Yes, you. No matter how down on yourself you feel, God thinks you're wonderful. He loves every inch of you. He meant for you to have that mole, that color of skin, that eye color, that quirky personality trait. Next time you're feeling self conscious about the way you look or act, remember: God has a purpose for you. He made you like that. He made you for HIS kingdom. He knows that you are so worth it.
God Created You.
Does it have a little more meaning now?
And you're thinking sarcastically, "Naw....really? Never heard that one before."
Have you ever really thought in depth about it?
GOD-- The Creator of the universe, the all knowing, all powerful, amazing, Breath of Life...... The One who loves you beyond absolute imagination. There's no possible way to accurately describe Him. The Jews wouldn't even attempt to pronounce His name, He is THAT powerful and amazing. If He showed His full self in front of you, you would die, only because His magnificence would be too much for a human to take.
CREATED-- You were made. Prepared. Thought of. Conceived. Carefully planned out. Wanted. You weren't an afterthought or a mistake. You were chosen. God used his awesome power.....on you. He deemed you worthy enough to create you, using His awesome power.
YOU-- Yes, you. No matter how down on yourself you feel, God thinks you're wonderful. He loves every inch of you. He meant for you to have that mole, that color of skin, that eye color, that quirky personality trait. Next time you're feeling self conscious about the way you look or act, remember: God has a purpose for you. He made you like that. He made you for HIS kingdom. He knows that you are so worth it.
God Created You.
Does it have a little more meaning now?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
They can't touch your soul!
Matthew 10:28 " Don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only in God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
If you're like everyone else in the've had someone not like you. You've had enemies. Sometimes it feels almost unbearable because it feels like the whole world is against you. Do you ever feel like it's this impenetrable situation you can't control? Like there's no way out?
Well, you're wrong! Like the verse says, they can't kill your soul. Your enemies can't even touch it. God is the only one who holds the key to your spirit. Take heart! You're not alone! Forget haters.
God has your soul protected, and that's the best kind of protection out there. People and their evil ways will fade away, but the Creator is forever. He loves you, and won't leave you stranded.
In confidence
If you're like everyone else in the've had someone not like you. You've had enemies. Sometimes it feels almost unbearable because it feels like the whole world is against you. Do you ever feel like it's this impenetrable situation you can't control? Like there's no way out?
Well, you're wrong! Like the verse says, they can't kill your soul. Your enemies can't even touch it. God is the only one who holds the key to your spirit. Take heart! You're not alone! Forget haters.
God has your soul protected, and that's the best kind of protection out there. People and their evil ways will fade away, but the Creator is forever. He loves you, and won't leave you stranded.
In confidence
Monday, August 2, 2010
The world can't give you peace.
Matthew 14:27 "I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."
No matter what you're going through, Jesus is there for you. That's how you can have the peace of mind and heart as it states here. It's a GIFT He's left for us!! The world may promise peace, pleasure, or happiness to you, and that may sate you for a time, but the world cannot give you the peace, love, and understanding from God.
Don't let your heart get worried. He is always always always there. He's given you peace! Just call to Him, and let your heart be calm. He loves you.
No matter what you're going through, Jesus is there for you. That's how you can have the peace of mind and heart as it states here. It's a GIFT He's left for us!! The world may promise peace, pleasure, or happiness to you, and that may sate you for a time, but the world cannot give you the peace, love, and understanding from God.
Don't let your heart get worried. He is always always always there. He's given you peace! Just call to Him, and let your heart be calm. He loves you.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
More on love. But it's awesome, so why not?
John 15:17 "this is my command: love each other."
Let's stop all this hatred. What's the point? Love on everyone you see.
I'm going to leave this one short, because it's pretty obvious what it's about.Let's stop all this judgment and hatred. The way you treat OTHERS is the way you treat Christ. How are you helping the Kingdom of God grow if you're not treating people right?
In the end, you will be more fulfilled knowing you treated that person with love rather than hate.
He understands WAY more than you think.
For the moment I'm going to share a few of my posts from Facebook, but I will elaborate a little more since I have way more space. :)
Remember that Jesus was tempted in every way. Think He won't understand? Think again. His love is SO magnificent. He WANTS to hear from you.
God CREATED you. He sent Jesus to be human and make the spiritual connection between mortal and immortal. This is why we're able to speak to God and have such a close relationship with Him. This is why we don't have to worry about sacrifices and rituals that people had to do in the Old Testament in order to get in touch with the Creator.
Jesus came to Earth to become human and die for us. But while He was here, he was tempted in every possible way. Satan took him out in the dessert and tried to get Him to sin, but Jesus, being awesome, didn't succumb. But, being human, it was extremely difficult for Him. He understands why it's difficult for you. He's not up there in Heaven with a disdainful look on His face every time you screw up. He's saying, "It's ok, I understand. Let's work on this, but we need to do it together, because I LOVE YOU."
He knows what you're going through. Even if you aren't even sinning, and someone else is hurting you, He knows how you feel. He was treated worse than anyone else in history. Call to Him. His arms are open infinitely wide.
In Christ's immeasurable love,
Remember that Jesus was tempted in every way. Think He won't understand? Think again. His love is SO magnificent. He WANTS to hear from you.
God CREATED you. He sent Jesus to be human and make the spiritual connection between mortal and immortal. This is why we're able to speak to God and have such a close relationship with Him. This is why we don't have to worry about sacrifices and rituals that people had to do in the Old Testament in order to get in touch with the Creator.Jesus came to Earth to become human and die for us. But while He was here, he was tempted in every possible way. Satan took him out in the dessert and tried to get Him to sin, but Jesus, being awesome, didn't succumb. But, being human, it was extremely difficult for Him. He understands why it's difficult for you. He's not up there in Heaven with a disdainful look on His face every time you screw up. He's saying, "It's ok, I understand. Let's work on this, but we need to do it together, because I LOVE YOU."
He knows what you're going through. Even if you aren't even sinning, and someone else is hurting you, He knows how you feel. He was treated worse than anyone else in history. Call to Him. His arms are open infinitely wide.
In Christ's immeasurable love,
This is my first post! :) I decided to start this because I like to share my insight on Bible verses. Facebook doesn't always have enough characters for me to share all my thoughts, and Twitter definitely doesn't. By the way, if you'd like to follow me on Twitter, go to
I'll start this off by saying, I'm not perfect, I'm just forgiven. I don't judge or condemn others. That's not our job. Our job is love. I've been judged enough in my life to know it's not what we're meant to do in our short time here on Earth.
I plan to go into full time ministry one day, though I'm not sure exactly where God is leading me in that. Currently I go to Church of the Highlands in Alabama. It's a great church, check out their website at . You can watch the sermons online too if you can't make it. Also check out , , and .
I'll end this first post with my first verse thing. :)
Relationship, relationship, relationship. Where is your heart? All the motions mean nothing unless your heart is with Jesus. When you're worshiping, going to church, going on missions, and etc are you truly doing it for God? Or are you doing it for others? Forget rules and regulations. Don't feel obligated to serve God because of pressure from other people. Serve Him out of LOVE. He has this INCREDIBLE amount of love for you! Serving Him is a way to show His love working through you! And it's the most fulfilling thing you'll ever do!
God Bless kiddos
I'll start this off by saying, I'm not perfect, I'm just forgiven. I don't judge or condemn others. That's not our job. Our job is love. I've been judged enough in my life to know it's not what we're meant to do in our short time here on Earth.
I plan to go into full time ministry one day, though I'm not sure exactly where God is leading me in that. Currently I go to Church of the Highlands in Alabama. It's a great church, check out their website at . You can watch the sermons online too if you can't make it. Also check out , , and .
I'll end this first post with my first verse thing. :)
Matthew 15:8-9 "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men"
Relationship, relationship, relationship. Where is your heart? All the motions mean nothing unless your heart is with Jesus. When you're worshiping, going to church, going on missions, and etc are you truly doing it for God? Or are you doing it for others? Forget rules and regulations. Don't feel obligated to serve God because of pressure from other people. Serve Him out of LOVE. He has this INCREDIBLE amount of love for you! Serving Him is a way to show His love working through you! And it's the most fulfilling thing you'll ever do!
God Bless kiddos
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