Wednesday, August 4, 2010

YOU are an AWESOME creation of GOD!

God created you.

And you're thinking sarcastically, "Naw....really? Never heard that one before."

Have you ever really thought in depth about it?

GOD-- The Creator of the universe, the all knowing, all powerful, amazing, Breath of Life...... The One who loves you beyond absolute imagination. There's no possible way to accurately describe Him. The Jews wouldn't even attempt to pronounce His name, He is THAT powerful and amazing. If He showed His full self in front of you, you would die, only because His magnificence would be too much for a human to take.

CREATED-- You were made. Prepared. Thought of. Conceived. Carefully planned out. Wanted. You weren't an afterthought or a mistake. You were chosen. God used his awesome power.....on you. He deemed you worthy enough to create you, using His awesome power.

YOU-- Yes, you. No matter how down on yourself you feel, God thinks you're wonderful. He loves every inch of you. He meant for you to have that mole, that color of skin, that eye color, that quirky personality trait. Next time you're feeling self conscious about the way you look or act, remember: God has a purpose for you. He made you like that. He made you for HIS kingdom. He knows that you are so worth it.

God Created You.

Does it have a little more meaning now?


1 comment:

  1. As Romans 8:29 states: "For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren"
